
Salesforce Outlook Connector Now Requires Exchange

If you've been having problems getting the Salesforce Outlook connector to work, it's likely because you're not using Microsoft Mail. Recent updates during the Summer '14 release prevent the Salesforce Outlook connector from working under certain circumstances. Read more to find out what your options are.



Cost of a new customer vs. Repeat Business

Do you know what it costs to acquire a new customer? Or maintain an existing one? Are you aware of the benefits of maintaining your relationship with existing customers? You need to know what these values are to ensure a healthy client mix for consistent cash flow and healthy growth of your company.



Is Xero a good alternative to Quickbooks

Is your company considering migrating from Quickbooks? Are you considering moving your accounting platform to the cloud? We recommend you shop around. And if you've already narrowed your search to Xero and Quickbooks, here are some things you should consider.



Use Social Media to Support Your Customers

Sometimes a customer just wants to be heard. When they are frustrated, upset, bitter they want everyone to know about it. And what better, public way to show their discontentment than on Social Media. If you're not on Social Media their cries will go unanswered and you'll pay for it with bad reviews because you're not there to hear it.



Are you making customers for Life?

Your customers are your most important asset. Without them there is no business. Not only will they buy your product, but if you have their loyalty you'll have their repeat business, and they will be an advocate for you. So what are you doing to make them customers for life?


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Does Your Company Have A Dropbox Problem?

Your employees need flexibility to do their jobs when and where they want. The Cloud can make this happen, but if you're not providing that option, they may seek out their own e.g. Dropbox. As a result your company's sensitive data may be vunerable.

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Who owns my data in the Cloud?

Are you afraid that once you put your data up into the ubiquitous cloud that it will no longer be your data? A valid concern, since it is yours and you want to keep it that way. Find out how some big-name companies treat your data. 



Hubspot CRM vs Salesforce

Hubspot just announced its entry into the CRM space. With this announcement comes many questions about what they offer, and how is it different than the current CRM champ ( Will it be competitive? Will it give me everything I need? Short answer, No. We'll explain why.



Salesforce 101: Introduction to Permission Sets

Need to make a slight modification to your Salesforce security settings? Don't want to create a new profile for every different scenario? Permission sets can give or take away just the right amount of permissions to your existing Salesforce profiles.


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Do I need to backup my data in the Cloud?

Have you been trying to determine if you need to take extra precautions to ensure that your data can be recovered from the Cloud? Is Data Backup really necessary? See what leading Cloud Software providers are doing to ensure that your data stays safe.

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Is my data safe in the Cloud?

Still wondering if your data is safe in the cloud? It's a scary thought, I know. By reviewing the security protocols for some of the biggest players in the Cloud, hopefully this article will convince you that, odds are, your data is safer in the cloud than your own PC.
